
Name: Alicia
Age: 19
School: N/A
Etc, etc, etc...


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Saturday, June 26, 2004

Hey guys, here's a prayer guide:

Radooga 2004
Kiev, Ukraine

Amber, Alicia, and Kimberly will be in Ukraine from June 27-July 9, serving as missionaries by teaching English to Ukrainian youth. We would greatly appreciate and covet your prayers while we are there. We have included a prayer list for everyday to inform you of the specific prayer needs. Due to the time difference Ukraine is 8 hours ahead of San Antonio, and because of this the best time for you to pray would be between the hours of 11 am - 1 pm CST (Central Standard Time). Every night of camp there will
be small group times; the small group time is usually when most decisions are made! Thank you for your prayers and support!!! We look forward to telling you all what God did!

June 27, Sun.- pray for safe travel for all team members
June 28, Mon.- pray for health (jet lag), irritability, and culture shock
June 29, Tues.- pray for unity between the American team and Ukrainian team
June 30, Wed.- pray for preparation of Bible Studies and evening worship
July 1, Thurs.- pray for preparation of English lessons, and the first day of class
July 2, Fri.- pray for the youth groups that come (unity, open-minded, good-attitude)
July 3, Sat.- pray for the youth ministers and youth workers
July 4, Sun.- pray for the individual youth (the Holy Spirit to begin work in their
hearts. To give the American team the right words, actions)
July 5, Mon.- pray for the youth (THIS IS THE NIGHT WE GIVE AN INVITATION!!!!)
July 6, Tues.- pray for the youth groups as they travel back home
July 7, Weds.- pray for the health and attitudes of of the American team
July 8, Thurs.- pray for the country of Ukraine and Godly leaders
July 9, Fri.- pray for the church in Ukraine (God is blessing the church, growth is
amazing!!!!), also pray for safe travel back home for the American team
July 10, Sat.- pray for health and jet lag

Radooga's website is: , where they will be posting updates of the camp every day. This will contain testimonies from both the American and Ukrainian
teams, as well as pictures of the everyday events. The youth of Ukraine are hungry for answers to questions about life. They are searching for meaning and extremely open to the
Gospel. They are the easiest generation to reach for Jesus Christ. Please continue to lift up the country of Ukraine in prayers as it struggles to become a thriving, united, independent country. Thank you again for your prayers!!! They are needed!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Hey guys,
how's everyone been? I haven't made the blog rounds in awhile, I need to stop by and leave all of y'all a shoutout. Been at the pool alot, and for the past 3 days playing volleyball there as well. I hope to learn to play by the end of this summer. We had a friend over to hang out and we went down there nearly all day thursday and friday, it was fun. I am listening to a Chris Tomlin Cd, getting tired and cold. I leave for Ukraine next Sunday, I will try and post before then or while I'm there. Blessings y'all.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Hey guys, I was having some random thoughts in my head about what I think are some of the neatest things I've ever done in my life. I don't see how anybody could see or do things like these and not believe there's a God. Here's 5 that I came up with:

1. Love- without it I would have never experienced life, which is quite an exciting journey. Knowing how much God loves you is the awesomest experience ever. A verse that I'd like to add to this is John 15:13-
"Greater love hath no man than this than to lay down His life for his friends."

2. Holding a brand new baby- They're so perfect and flawless, because they haven't had time to do wrong. They bring so much joy without even trying.

3. Watching a sunset- I love to watch the sunset, all the colors in the sky at sunset are so pretty.

4. Mountaintop experiences- everything seems so perfect from on top of a mountain that sometimes I never want to go back down. I feel closer to God, because I'm on a less hectic schedule where I have free time to spend with Him.

5. The beach- Walking and feeling the sand under your bare feet, riding the waves, catching crabs at midnite(then tipping over the bucket and running and screaming at the top of your lungs), searching for shells and sand dollars in the morning. Those are some of my greatest memories as a kid.

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