
Name: Alicia
Age: 19
School: N/A
Etc, etc, etc...


November 2003
December 2003
January 2004
February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
February 2005
March 2005
May 2005
September 2007


:: Larlie
:: The Evil Twin
:: Mouth
:: Pepe
:: Roo & KT :: Natasha :: Brit :: Karoshee Yoshek


:: Larlie
:: My pics
:: Pepe
:: The Evil twin
:: Kosomo :: Mouth :: The Artsies


Sunday, November 30, 2003

Today is kind of an average day. I didn't do much, my uncle and his friends came to my grandma's and we visited for awhile. Most of the conversation was about Michael Jackson being metrosexual, which lead to explaining to my grandma what metrosexual was. I just sat there and laughed while my uncle explained, it was so hilarious. I am tired and not thinking straight, need sleep. Let's see, the blog world seems kinda dead right now. Well, hopefully I'll have a more exciting post tomorrow. Guten Tag,

Friday, November 28, 2003

Hey, today I found a site to add games to my blog, I love pacman, and I like the reg mad libs. Haven't tried these yet but I bet they're fun. I missed everybody posting thanksgiving, but it's over now, so get to work. Well, the games are right above my links, have fun.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Now I figured out how to get my shoutbox where I wanted it! I'm so happy.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I got my letters fixed! The stupid whole layout on my blog had to be fixed, but I'm happy with how it looks now. I even got my Nemo pic lined up with the shoutbox, where it wasn't before. Everybody have a great day!
Later, twinskater

Yesterday I bought this really cool game called constructionary. It's kinda like pictionary, but no teams, and instead of drawing, you're building with lego. I love lego and always have, we played the game last nite and it's awesome. My friend has been having american sign language class the past two sunday nites, and so far I can count to ten, do my alphabet, say hi how are you, nice to meet you, yes, no, door, light, window, how many, my name is..., and lots more. I really enjoy it, it's alot of fun and I can't wait until I'm good at it. Well everybody have a great day,
toodles! twinskater

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Well, I'm back from grandma's and all is well, except querty crashed and now the fonts are all huge and it makes my blog look weird. Did anyone miss me? I know I missed blogging while I was gone. This Sunday in Our second grade sunday school class we gave our kids a shortened version of those surveys everybody likes to pass around, especially a certain somebody(she knows who she is :). One of our questions was what is your favorite Bible story and why, and this one little girl wrote"I like Noah and the Ark the best because after all that rain, Noah must have gone swimming".
I just had to share that with y'all, especially survey girl. Well, if I don't post before, everybody have a great thanksgiving, and
enjoy your turkey!

Friday, November 21, 2003

Hey everybody, I'll be gone for a couple days, staying at my grandma's. In the A.M. I'm going to a peewee football game, I think kids playing sports are so cute. Everybody have a great weekend and I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much. Asta la pasta,
Oh, BTW, my sister's linked, so check out her page, leave her a shout out

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Today my sister FINALLY got her blog, I helped her start one. So far, it consists of er one post and a shoutbox, I'll help her get a comment box and pic tomorrow, I got her password(evil laughter). J/K :) Anyway, I'll link her tomorrow.
Well, here's a verse for you, didn't take as much time picking it as I planned, so it's kind of just a random one: John 15:13- "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
over and out,

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Today I slept in because my throat was so sore. I kinda didn't do much besides clean my room and take my dog on a walk. The breeze was nice, not to cool, just right. The park was totally empty, besides me and my Lacey, so it was very quiet and enjoyable. Alot of times we have guys playing basketball and it gets loud, I was glad that wasn't the case today. Let's see, verse for today: Psalm 121:1-2-
"I will lift mine eyes, unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LOrd, which made heaven and earth."
Have a great day, Pasta la wego!

Let's this weekend was pretty much the same as most, except my sister's birthday party. It was alot of fun, we played this really kewl game kinda like charades called party quirks. One person is a host, and everybody else picks a card with a personality(we made the personalities ourselves because we don't have the game) and knocks on the door one by one. The host has the job of guessing the personalities, some of which are obssessed with B.O., Clean Freak, Way too Blonde, a mimic, too much caffiene, has an imaginary friend. I like that game so much better than regular charades, we played it for 2 hours it seemed like. Well, anyway, hope everybody had a joyful weekend. Here's my verse for today, I decided I like having one of those, gives me another reason to study my Bible every day. So, here it is: Psalm 73:25-
" Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon the earth that I desire besides thee." My prayer is that we can say to God " there is none that I desire besides thee."

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Today our youth missions group went to a homeless shelter. I love doing service work, It's my evangelism style according to a book called contagious christian. We helped unload six trailers full of bags of clothes, blankets, shoes, soap, and things like that. we piled the room in the warehouse full to the ceiling with those bags, but I was glad to help out. I feel sorry for the next group who has to sort the stuff. When we were on the way downtown we saw people living in boxes and sleeping on the street. It's sad to see, but another thing we learned from the people at the shelter is these people aren't willing to change their lifestyles. I don't really understand that, but maybe it's that those people don't have any hope and need someone to bring that to them. I guess the best thing for them is prayer.
Today is my sister's birthday, so I'm gonna go chill with her and her friends(a scavenger hunt in the cold:). If anyone hasn't heard the song "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns, I recommend it, it's awesome. I'll leave you guys with a verse for today: Galatians 5:13-
"For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another."

Friday, November 14, 2003

Changing my blog again, I think I got a little carried away with the color before. It's not completely finished yet though

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I finally figured out how to put a pic on my blog!
It doesn't really match my colors, but I'll fix that later. I'm gonna figure out how to make my shoutbox another color too. well, bye for now,

Yesterday was a long day, so I wasn't online. We went with some friends out to their property out in the country. It's nice to get out of the city when you can. Tonite we had cubbies, and then there was that project for youth. I didn't do one, but my twin sister used her dobro to show how sometimes life has ups and downs(rythm chopping), sometimes problem's hit from all over(hammering on and off) sometimes you slip(sliding) but God can make it into something good(she played a song). I was proud of my sister, she got creative, something I wasn't able to do. there's one more week left, I'm still not sure I want to do anything, but if I could get my second graders to come help with a lesson, it would be awesome. Well, it's late, so for now, toodles!

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

This weekend I went to my grandma's, as I do every weekend. I stay saturday nite with her and go to church sunday, to teach my second grade sunday school class, they're awesome. This week in sunday school we learned about Moses. It was really cool, the teacher(playing Moses) taught about the israelites and the red sea, then parted the sea for us to walk thru. after that, we learned about the manna God provided, then the Ten Commandments. I think I enjoy the class just as much as my kids do. Sunday nite we came back to church for a puppets class, and Bible study. After Bible study I went out to the gym and played some soccer with my second graders. Like the quote on AnnJ's blog says, growing up is optional. Oh yeah, by the way, the post I made on that project due Wednesday, I'm not doing it anymore. I decided to leave more time for the people who are actually youth to do it, because technically I'm college now. If there's extra time, maybe I'll talk about kids and how much we learn from them. Thanx for the ideas,
and God Bless!

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Okay, so I have this project due Wednesday. It's not a required thing, but I want to try it anyway. Our youth minister gave us the assignment to find something that we enjoy(not church related) and use it for a spiritual application. I enjoy kids, and rollerblading(that's why I'm called twinskater). I haven't come up with anything yet, but I'm thinking hard. If anyone can help me, leave a comment.
Thanks, twinskater

Thursday, November 06, 2003

I've taken a sudden interest in sign language, I think it's really cool. A friend had taught me this one worship song to do for a talent show, and I got to thinking how awesome it would be to share Christ with deaf, whether thru a worship song, or just speaking in sign. My friend is going to teach me sign, I'm really excited about it. Hey Anna, this blog thing is cool, thanks! Pasta la wego,

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I thought I'd start my blog with sharing some cute and humorous but also smart advice that I got from some 8 year old twins, Devin and Preston. We started talking about guys and girls and got into the subject of whether I have a boyfriend. Since I didn't, they decided to share with me what they thought I needed to hear. Preston's advice: Never be alone with a guy, and if a guy says he wants to tell you a secret, he's lying. All he wants is to kiss you.
Devin added: Don't wear short and tight clothes, nobody is supposed to see your tummy. I don't have anything else to write, so I'll leave you with those things to think about. After all, kids can teach us alot.
Until my next entree, God Bless!

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